The Thirty-fourth Annual Utah Winter Finance Conference will be held February 6-8, 2024. The opening reception begins Wednesday evening, February 5th. The location is the beautiful Cliff Lodge at Snowbird.
Wednesday February 5th
Opening Reception 6:30-8:30 pm
Thursday February 6th
Session I: METHODOLOGY - Thursday 7:30-9:15 am
Session Chair: Jonathan Berk (Stanford)
Authors: Victor DeMigual (LBS), Li Guo (Fudan), Bo Sung (Bristol) and Zhe Zhang (SMU)
Discussant: Bryan Kelly (Yale)
Investigating Instruments with Meta Regressions
Authors: Aaron Pancost (Texas) and Garrett Schaller (Colorado State)
Discussant: Lucian Taylor (Wharton)
Session II: Investors' Behavior - Thursday 5:45-7:30 pm
Session Chair: Lubos Pastor (Chicago)
Educating Investors About Dividends
Authors: Andreas Hackethal (Goethe University), Tobin Hanspal (WU), Samuel Hartzmark (BC), and Konstantine Brauer (Goethe University)
Discussant: Michael Weber (Chicago)
Categorical Thinking About Interest Rates
Authors: Kelly Shue (Yale), Richard Townsend (UCSD) and Chen Wang (Notre Dame)
Discussant: Luigi Zingales (Chicago)
Friday February 7th
Session III: Corporate Finance - Friday 7:30-9:15 am
Session Chair: Peter DeMarzo (Stanford)
Financially Sophisticated Firms
Authors: Kerry Siani (MIT) and Lira Mota (MIT)
Discussant: Adriano Rampini (Duke)
Corporate Finance Through Loyalty Programs
Author: Dan Luo (Chinese University of Hong Kong)
Discussant: David Yermack (NYU)
Session IV: On Expected Rates of Returns - Friday 5:45-7:30 pm
Session Chair: Mark Grinblat (UCLA)
Author: Stavros Panageas (UCLA)
Discussant: Martin Lettau (Berkeley)
Firms' Perceived Cost of Capital
Authors: Niels Joachim Gormsen (Chicago) and Killian Huber (Chicago)
Discussant: Joel David (FRB - Chicago)
Saturday February 8th
Session V: MACRO FINANCE - Saturday 7:30-9:15 am
Session Chair: Mike Fishman (Kellogg)
Barriers to Global Capital Allocation
Authors: Bruno Pellegrino (Columbia), Enrico Spolaore (Tufts) and Romain Wacziarg (UCLA)
Discussant: Adrien Verdelhan (MIT)
Business Liquidity and Information Cycles
Authors: Gorkem Bostanci (UBC) and Guillermo Ordonez (U of Penn)
Discussant: Lukas Schmid (USC)
Saturday Dinner Presentation
AI-Powered (Finance) Scholarship
Authors: Robert Novy Marx (Rochester) and Mihail Velikov (Penn State)
Subscribe to the Utah Winter Finance Conference YouTube channel and see past conference presentations and discussions and be notified when new one are posted.