Title: Regulatory Costs of Being Public: Evidence from Bunching Estimation
Authors: Michael Ewens (Cal Tech), Kairong Xiao (Columbia) and Ting Xu (Virginia)
Title: Deep Learning in Asset Pricing
Authors: Markus Pelger (Stanford), Luyang Chen (Stanford) and Jason Zhu (Stanford)
Title: Reconsidering Returns
Authors: Samuel Hartzmark (Chicago) and David Solomon (Boston College)
Title: A Model of Safe Asset Determination
Author: Zhiguo He (Chicago), Arvind Krishnamurthy (Stanford), Konstantin Milbradt (Northwestern)
Title: Asset-level Risk and Return in Real Estate Investments
Author: Jacob Sagi (North Carolina)
Title: Relative Pay for Non-Relative Performance: Keeping Up with the Joneses with Optimal Contracts
Authors: Peter DeMarzo (Stanford) and Ron Kaniel (Rochester)
Title: The High-Frequency Trading Arms Race: Frequent Batch Auctions as a Market Design Response
Authors: Eric Budish (Chicago), Peter Cramton (Maryland) and John Shim (Chicago)
Title: Commodity Trade and the Carry Trade: A Tale of Two Countries
Authors: Robert Ready (Rochester), Nikola Roussanov (Wharton) and Collin Ward (Wharton)
Title: Endogenous Liquidity and Defaultable Bonds
Authors: Zhiguo He (Chicago) and Konstantin Milbradt (MIT)
Title: Health and Mortality Delta: Assessing the Welfare Costs of Household Insurance Choice
Authors: Ralph Koijen(Chicago) Stijn Van Nieuwerburgh(NYU), Motohiro Yogo(Minneapolis FED)
Title: The Demographics of Innovation and Asset Returns
Authors: Nicolae Garleanu (Berkeley) Leonid Kogan MIT), and Stavros Panageas (Chicago)
Title: The Macroeconomic Effects of Housing Wealth, Housing Finance, and Limited Risk-Sharing in General Equilibrium
Authors: Jack Favilukis (LSE), Sydney Ludvigson (NYU), Stijn Van Nieuwerburgh (NYU)
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